My game has not been making any money recently... I was wondering if making it free for a few days would boost some sales. Has anyone done this? If so how did it work out for you?
People have done this, I haven't. I think sciTunes tried it out when he was approached by a website. Seemed to get loads and loads of downloads but it didn't seem like that translated into that many more sales in the end. If you aren't going to do it with a lot of promotion I don't think it will be worth it in my opinion.
We just made Ghost Bash free and updated with an upsell screen to temp players into buying our other games (DropZone, Tumble Jumble, Jungle Bug & BuzzBee) so every time you die it goes to high score - up sell - restart game.
Will let you know how it goes with the other game sales.
I tried it on my two games and got ripped a new one. People seemed to be enjoying at least the one and left positive feedback until it went free. Then I got lots of 1 and 2 star votes... with no feedback. Doesn't really help me make them better and with those negative votes I don't expect to see any more sales of the first two.
Will let you know how it goes with the other game sales.