Download Revenue
Hello guys!
I wanted to ask more experienced members how much revenue is being expected in around
100 downloads per day? 1000 downloads per day? Using Revmob, Chartboost or iAds.
I'm saying about the games with short banner time (iAds) and more fullscreen commercials.
I understand that it depends on the kind of game, but I would like to ask you approximately.
For example if I want to earn around 20$ a day, 1000 downloads per day is enough?
I'm probably going to scare you here but here are some numbers.
I have mainly average apps. I have not had any large scale successful apps, however in total I have around 20 apps on Apple, Nook, Kindle, and Google Play.
Most of these have a combo of iAds, Playhaven, and IAP sales. In 2013, I had 105,000 downloads which is around 288 total average downloads per day. I made $13.71 per day in 2013.
This is .047 cents per download per day. So if you interpolate that to 1000 per day you would have around 47 dollars a day. Or make Angry Birds!
I did a fairly detailed blog post about how my first game performed on the Apple App Store in it's first year if you care to check it out: ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Thank you guys for the answer.
@Supersonic9120 when have u put you apps on the market so that your total revenue of 2013 was around 13$? In the beginning of the year you sold 20 apps? And how much time did you spend on creating your apps, are they complex and long or like "flappy bird" style?
I have been working on apps as a side-project since 2011. I would say I spend a lot of time on them and have steadily released them since then. My revenue in 2013 was 13$ per day on average. The apps go from fairly boring,
Floppy Fish -
to decently complex,
Hot Shot BBALL -
iJumble Words -
The key is to capitalize on the first few days of the app being released. After this, there is a downhill slide to eventual app death.
You can check out the rest of my apps at
Any tips what to do during first days of the app being released? Do you make any campaign? How to increase download amount? Are there some free options to do that?
Personally at our level of downloads we dont pay for ads. We are getting about 2million a year at the moment across about 15 apps. Depending on how well they monetize. There is one app that makes the majority of our Chartboost money. With 60 dollars a day alone from that app which generates roughly 700 downloads a day. It is on the Ipad so i assume the ads are better made and more clickable. Therefore more money.
Ill just little a few figures so you can see right now.
797 downloads $10 a day from Apple. $50 a day from chartboost
1300 downloads $25 a day from IAP/iads. (chartboost is just now integrating into that)
Paid apps
2000 a day downloads then made paid and generated 40 paid a day.
700 a day downloads then made paid and generated 20-25 paid a day.
We are in process of a full overhaul integrated multiple IAP to our free and paid versions to further that ability. But at 100 a day we didnt see much in terms of revenue/ads.But 10 apps of 100 is 1000 a day. and it all snowballs.
Yep, a lot of people might see a revenue of only $10 or £15 or $25/day from an app they spent months on (thinking it was going to be the new AngryFlappy2048irds™) as somewhat of a letdown given their dreams of the number one slot, champagne and $100,000 a week . . . but like you say if you can maintain ~$25/day - and build this up over time so you have 8 or 10 decent apps performing similarly, even these modest ambitions can produce a pretty respectable income.
10 apps bringing in $25/day might not be Flappy Bird territory (or even this forum's own FireMapleGames when he made $33,000 in two weeks) but 10 apps earning a modest $25/day is still $91,000/year.
That's not to say achieving sales of $25/day is trivial, it still requires hard work and producing games that people want to play, but you don't have to have produce a string of massive number 1 hits to generate a decent income, like you say, it snowballs.
yup and one thing i noticed. is when one app does well. The others do well. the whole start starts to rise. 100 a day is a full time job. So think about that. 10 apps $10 a day. you make 50k a year. and you can pursue this full time. At the moment our org is 2 people. We produce on average a game or an update every week. its a constant grind. i manage a social twitter for the company. building a customer base. and then profiting
Ill say this.
I had an app that generated 5 downloads a day. lol. free app. it was very underperforming. needless to say. i said whatever and moved on.
i get on chartboost one day. and it served 2 installs.. at $9 a piece. boom. 18 dollars.. over time the apps that didnt make money. will make the money/time invested back.
But if you can consistantly get 100 downloads a could absolutely make money. All you need is a few people a day to click an ad or two and install it. and you could make 5-10-15-20 bucks. a day.
@fadamion @Socks
You guys sell your apps on IOS? Or everywhere where it's possible to gain as much downloads as possible?
We currently sell every app on IOS. we have a few apps on the Amazon store which only generates like 200/month. and we are at this very moment, uploading our first app to the Windows 8 store. Downloads are downloads, money is money. Google is horrible. i will not list apps on the google store untill absolutely necessary(which i hope it never will be)