Universal apps
I've searched through the forum, but always found the opposite of what I'm looking for.
I've created my first app and uploaded it to iTunes Connect, but it comes back as a Universal app missing screenshots. How can I change the app to Iphone 5 only?
Well the issue is if you build for iphone....it must be able to be sold on legacy (iPhone4 & 4S) as well as iPad running iOS 7.1 and iPhone5.
I dont think you can build ONLY for 5....
This is why they ask for screen shots for all iOS devices during your iTunes Connect manage apps section.
Thats my story and Im stickin to it.
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Hmmm. Okay so I switch my views in GS to see what it looks like in Ipad and the top is cut off. Can the simulator run detached from the main program and smaller so I can see the whole simulator?
Publish it using the stretch feature, this will adjust it to all platforms. There are also a few templates that will manually adjust the screen.
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