Actor auto movement

z3422393z3422393 Member Posts: 9
edited June 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)

Total rookie here, sorry if this is a silly question, but how do I make it so an actor will automatically start moving at a set speed after 1 touch? This is in regards to a game like 'the impossible game' or 'geometry dash' I have managed to make it so either:

  • The actor will start moving as soon as I preview

  • The actor will move at a certain velocity once touched, but that ends up slowing down the speed

  • The actor will move only when I touch/hold it

This is for a mobile game, just in case it needs something specific done to it. Cheers


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited June 2014

    The issue is that When Touch is Pressed is a rule that is only true while the mouse is down. Once you stop holding the click/tap, it is then false. So you have to change an attribute in the actor. Create a boolean attribute called self.moving and add these two rules:

    When touch is pressed Change attribute self.moving to true
    When attribute self.moving is true      Move/Change Velocity

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  • z3422393z3422393 Member Posts: 9

    Sweet, so I've got that sorted, but it will only begin to move if I touch the actor (ball)
    How could I make it so the ball will start to move if I touch anywhere on the screen?
    Once again, sorry for rookie questions

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