3000 downloads in 3 days

NickitoNickito Member Posts: 4

So my very first app has been downloaded about 3000 times in just 3 days. I have honestly no idea how it got this much considering I've only advertised it to my friends on FaceBook and twitter lol.

I plan on doing a lot of actual advertising when my first huge update is approved by Apple.

So what I'm getting at is, do you guys have any ideas on how I can actually advertise my game more?


Here's the game if you'd like to check it out. Epic Survival - https://itunes.apple.com/app/id886741777




  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343

    Sweet game. I gotta live 2 minutes. Must be first place by this weekend !!

    Addicted instantly.

  • CriticalGamesCriticalGames Member Posts: 45

    That's pretty fantastic - congratulations! Heck, I wish that my latest game had anywhere near 3000 downloads. I thought it might have to do with your keywords, but sensortower.com doesn't think so. It's really hard to say.

    In terms of advertising, it can be a pretty hard thing to do. Almost every website now wants money. It didn't help me much, but maybe try using PR Mac to send out a press release. You'll probably get a lot of paid review requests, but it will ensure that your game is sent to a lot of websites.

    Best of luck with it all, and I hope that momentum continues!

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