How put ads first Chartboost and after revmob?
Im back, from March I not connect to this forum, I have two questions about chartboost and revmob:
1-Actually is running revmob and chartboost of good way or yet in testing?
2-How I can do put first Chartboost intersticial screen and after appear revmob? Its possible?
Thanks in advance!
You need to be a pro member to use them. You could use startup ads for Chartboost and interstitial ads for RevMob.
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than you very much @bjandthekatz ! Im member pro with other user, but startup ads not is when the user open the app for first time not? Is for show first Chartboost and after revmob for example not?
You cannot do what you are asking. You have to choose what ad network you are going to use for interstitial and that's all you get throughout your whole game.
Then, for what is startup ads?