Hello! I am about to release a game on the appstore and I
wonder what Primary Category Games and Subcategory category you select for your games.
I have release a game before and for some reason there are no ads in that game.
Apple did send me an email:
"At this time, the current advertising inventory and advertiser targeting are likely not a match for your application. Please note, the iAd App Network advertising strategy including targeting is Apple Confidential. "
What shall I do?
Thanks for all the help
Was your app designed for children?
No it was not, it was an normal game
Seems strange. I had a similar problem when I had an app designed for children.
I think that if you create an app for children you can't use adds in the game.
Do you have adds in you other games?
That's right, but why I did was remove my app from the children's section into a standard catorgory no longer for children and they still wouldn't allow ads as the older we downloads could gain access to the update. And yes ads are running in my other games. No issues. I suggest you just resubmit. Or you ask them for a specific reason for decline.
In my game I am only using Swedish language. As I understand iads does not work in
the swedish shop (if I got it right). Is there a way to change it for sale in USA market?
or is it already at that market?