Corrupted Save Recovery: Will there be problems?
I just had a scary moment and want to be sure that I survived it. The project crashed in saving and the .gsproj disappeared. On readingh a bit about that, I determined that putting an empty gsproj in the file would let me get the project back, and it appears to have worked. Are there any errors that can happen with this that I will need to fix? Does anyone know?
Do you work on incremented files (version 01, version 02, version 03, version 04 . . . etc etc) or do you just work on a single file for the whole of the project ?
i would recommend what socks says.
every project i work on i start at 00 - gameproject. Then every little while i save as 01 - gameproject.
I ended up with 74 - gameproject in my last game but atleast i knew i could always go back!
its extremely risky working on a single file. Even without all of the bugs i still manage to stuff up my own code at times and want to go back!
with my games i always save as, like
my game part 1
my game part 50
I respect that and have some backups. The problem is I was a bit lax and they were out of date wide enough to represent a significant loss, so I had to take action to save the newest one, which I think I have, as described. But the question I really need answered is if I am GOING To have problems with what I currently have.