Dallas, TX - Meetup | 5:30PM/CST @ In & Out Burger 7940 N. Central Expressway, 75206 (Today)
Any users in the Dallas, Texas area interested in meeting up one evening...
I'm available:
4:30pm-9:00pm / Wednesday - Sunday
It would be great to share some ideas, talk multiplayer or maybe discuss things learned from the July GameSalad Meetup. We could meet in Dallas, Richardson or Plano at a Panera Bread or //insert better place//.
I'd love to get together one day after the 3rd of July (but before the 9th, if possible).
Somewhere in Dallas would be nice -- I think talking about multiplayer, games we're working on, and maybe brain picking GS logic related questions would also be fun to work out together. Bookmarking this thread for further updates.
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I can do the 5th or 6th anytime during the day. I've started testing multiplayer as well. I'm able to get it connecting to a shared server to test and reading up on secure php & scalability.
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Actually I don't think those days will work for me. That Saturday may work if it's early morning, but it may be safer to choose another day.
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Which day works for you?
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How about this coming Monday? Do Monday's work for you? I'm pretty much booked until then. Wednesdays - Sundays are going to be difficult due to my schedule. We may be able to get together one Saturday coming up if this Monday doesn't work.
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Monday works for me if its after 4:30p. I still have a day job
so I'm an evening person until then on the weekdays.
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Fine with me. Have a meeting place in mind?
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I'm thinking about Panera Bread.
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Sounds good. Can you link me to the address? Maybe we can get a few others to join us, too.
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730 east Campbell road, Richardson Texas.. It is right off of 75.
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Is it possible if we can meet closer to North Park Mall off of 75 and Northwest Highway?
Would that be possible for you?
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Yeah that's fine, how about the in & out burger at 7940 N. Central Expressway, Dallas, TX 75206
It's across from north park mall and shouldn't be as busy as the panera bread at north park.
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Great. And what time were you thinking?
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Around 5:30pm, maybe sooner but I'll be going south on 75 during a busy period so I may have to fight a lot of traffic.
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Sounds good to me! Do we know if anyone else has confirmed if they can come?
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No one else has confirmed... I thought we had some Dallas developers here
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Only a few, from what I've read on the forums.
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Looking forward to meeting you this evening. I'll message you my cell number incase you need to contact me.
We're looking for more people to join us tonight at In & Out Burger at 7940 N. Central Expressway, Dallas, TX 75206. Hope a few more Dallas developers can make it!
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Dallas developers, the meetup is a few hours away!
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The Meetup is 1 hour away.
Join us tonight at the In & Out Burger at 7940 N. Central Expressway, Dallas, TX 75206. Hope a few more Dallas developers can make it!
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Looking forward to it! See you there!
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Had a great time with @iamcartez this evening. Great meet-up. Looking forward to the August meet-up and hoping we get a few more folks to attend as well.
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Indeed! It was a great meetup. I'll create the event for the next Meetup later so we can get some more of these GameSalad developers together.
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