Constraining one actor to another
With the current collision shapes being only a circle and rectangle I have constrained a new actor to my main actor thinking it will increase the collision shape of my main actor because right now my main actor is going through the objects that are supposed to destroy it. Am i missing something that i need to add a rule to the actor i created to increase the collision radius or is this not possible? Thank you.
Have you got a Collide behaviour in your main actor?
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
Thanks for replying. I'm not sure why i would add a collide behavior to my main actor unless i should add it to my new actor i created? Sorry let me explain a little better. My main actor gets destroyed when it touches the middle of the object but it just goes through the edge of the object so i constrained another actor to it thinking it would increase the collision shape so it looks more realistic but it didnt.
Sorry I didn't read your question correctly. Upload a test project showing the problem and someone will be able to help you.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template