Spawn an actor at one of two places
One said actor collides with said actor, it spawns said actor at 120 up and -200 away, relative to the actor.
How can I set it so that when it collides, it either spawns it -200 from the actor or 200 from the actor. -200 or 200 relative from the scene would be fine too.
I just want it so that it randomly chooses one of the options given, so If i give it options a, b, & c, it chooses one of those options randomly. Is there a function for this or can this be done in any way?
Its not necessary to make multiple postings. I deleted the duplicate.
One way to have random placement is to generate a random number between 1 and 3. then if the random number is 1, spawn the actor to location 1. If the number is 2 then spawn at location two. (And so on...)
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