Tweet Sheet not showing images or 'editable'
Hi all,
My first game in a short while and i'm having trouble showing my image when using the tweet sheet function.
I've made a few games before without any problems... just import an image (normally a .png) then place the image name in the correct field (minus the extension).
Weirdly... I now can't press the 'editable by player' box either... it's greyed out and pre-selected as 'ticked'.
Anyone else having problems or know what might be going on?
Cheers all
Twitter changed the rules so now any tweet must be editable by the user ... You can't uncheck editable by user ... Also there is a bug when attaching images in the tweet sheet. There is a workaround if the name of the image you want attached in the tweet sheet starts with "twitter_" then ImageName (twitter_imagename.png) it will attach an image to the tweet sheet. Next time before posting an issue do a search on the forum as this question has been answered many times ... Cheers
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Many thanks for your help... much appreciated