Exported out from PC version to MAC and its now broken :(
I exported a project file from the PC version, 10.5 to the latest stable MAC build.
My scene for some reason is no longer functioning the way it should be on the MAC.
Button are not working, the main actor in each scene is not displaying the correct images that are linked via tables.
I cant seem to figure what is the cause.
I have provided a link below to the project file, please can someone have a look and provide a reason/solution.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/x6mt7e9kak7fi1l/Alphabet Game.zip
Thank You,
There's definitely something corrupted about that file. If I add a new actor to the first scene with a simple Display Text behavior (text color black), it doesn't show up when Previewed.
Can you post the PC version of the file (without exporting)?
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Although if you create a new scene and drag the same actors onto it, they appear to be working. Perhaps you just need to recreate those two scenes.
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