Accelerometer - is it appreciated by players?

Hello everybody,

First post here. Kinda new to Gamesalad, thought I had messed around with similar softwares (Gamemaker and TGF mostly) when I was a kid, so I'm catching fast the logic of the platform.

My question is about game-experience rather than about a technical issue. Basically, I was thinking of using the accelerometer to make an actor move on a platform. Rotate to right and move right, rotate to left and move left, you get the catch.

However, is it a feature that is appreciated amongst players? I feel like not many devs include it in their games. So, in your opinion : cool or annoying?


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378

    I personally won't even download a game that's accelerometer controlled. I can't stand it as a control method.

    But other people love it. If your game plays better with it than with buttons, then go for it. If not, make sure it's an option rather than a requirement, imho.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited June 2014

    @Armelline said:
    I personally won't even download a game that's accelerometer controlled. I can't stand it as a control method.

    Agreed, I absolutely hate it - pretty much all accelerometer controlled games feel awful to me, I was thinking about this only the other day, I downloaded 'Grub' as it was featured on the App Store and I liked the avatar (what can I say, I'm easily influenced and shallow :) ) - the app looks great, I love the illustration style, but the accelerometer controls are typically awful, just like pretty much every accelerometer controlled game I've played, some are worse than others, some are almost passable, but none come close to the responsiveness of buttons, clicks, drags and all other non-accelerometer controls.

    The accelerometer is great for certain things like the default parallax effect in iOS7, but as a control method it's usually horrible.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692

    +3 I don't like it in games.


  • ModernMonkeysModernMonkeys Member Posts: 22

    Humm, guess I'm better to add move buttons on the sides of the screen then...


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