Don't Die!
ArizonaMember Posts: 838
We've got a new game out today! It's called "Don't Die!". Don't worry'll be dying frequently.!/id887932004?ls=1&mt=8
Android version coming shortly.
It looks really fun Downloading now!
Thanks! Yeah, it's super minimal but very rage inducing!
Don't Die! is now available on GooglePlay:
Downloaded goodluck
Wow extremely addictive
Thanks @AA_app_company
You come up with the idea?
Actually it was @OskarDeveloper, my partner in crime.
I hate you I was hoping to get some work done tonight but Im stuck on level 4 and wont move from this couch till I get past it and see the next level arghhhhhh - Good game! Hope it does well
"Most impossiblest, of games." Level 4 huh? You don't know pain yet.
@gamestudent Yeah, we had a lot of fun with the app description. :P