Swipe Factory - FREE template/laboratory

ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376
edited July 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)

There have been several questions about swiping recently, and while I was digging through my beloved "Tests" folder I stumbled upon an old old project that I started making when I was first learning GameSalad. I revisited it a little when "the update" came that finally allowed us to use numeric expressions on the left and polished up a little bit today.

Watch the video for a summary of what it does. A lot of it is pointless. But hey, where's the fun in only ever doing things with a purpose. Essentially it's a laboratory to experiment with swipes and found out how far a user swipes, how fast they swipe, the direction of the swipe and the real-world distance of the swipe.

I call it...

☆★The Swipe Factory ★☆

(Has been updated slightly since the video, stopping any display during a swipe.)

When I have more time I'll come back to it and tighten it up a little and fully comment it. Right now I haven't nested all the rules that can be nested and things like that, but nothing that effects the core functionality or a fairly competent user's ability to look and see how things are being done.

It's also very possible I've typo'd in a formula, or worked one out wrong, but if so I haven't noticed :smiley: Please let me know if I have!


Download ☆★The Swipe Factory ★☆ here!


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    Updated with a slightly tweaked version that doesn't update values until a swipe is completed (you'll notice in the video some numbers changing when the swipe is started, which was a bit confusing).

  • MathPickleMathPickle Calgary, Alberta, CANADAMember, PRO Posts: 15

    My students will be dragging slowly to adjust a displayed number to a desired amount. For example - they are starting with a display of 13 and they want it to read 25. A continually updating value is therefore an advantage for me.

  • MathPickleMathPickle Calgary, Alberta, CANADAMember, PRO Posts: 15

    I have to say this is absolutely an awesome way to get help!

  • MathPickleMathPickle Calgary, Alberta, CANADAMember, PRO Posts: 15

    I think I'll be able to figure it out from your awesome factory. Thank you so much...

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376
    edited August 2014

    @MathPickle What you're trying to do there is something a little simpler than the Swipe Factory gets into. All you need to do, if I'm reading you right, is to note the initial touch position, then keep track of the distance between that and the current touch position. Take a look at the attached demo.

    I forgot the starting at 13 and ending at 25 bit, but I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how to get that implemented. If not, just give me a shout.

  • MathPickleMathPickle Calgary, Alberta, CANADAMember, PRO Posts: 15

    Yes - this is it - I know the swipe factory was overkill, but it gave me the ideas to make a good stab at a solution.

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