Shuffle 52 Deck Cards
Hi guys,
I know this question was asked before. As I've searched around, I found some old threads with invalid download link to the template, so I still ended up with nothing.
I'm just wondering if someone has a free shuffle 52 deck cards to share or a tutorial to make one with Gamesalad.
Thanks a lot,
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Greedy Chubby:
Is there a particular reason you need to specifically shuffle them? If it works to just deal them at random (without repetition), you can do that by making a table with each of the cards in it, generating a random number from 1 to the number of rows in the table (random(1,tableRowCount(tablename)), pull out the card in that row and then delete the row.
That way you have a deck of cards that you can randomly deal from, and the issue of shuffling is sidestepped.
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Create 3 tables.
1-) Card Master Table (52 Rows with Cards)
2-) Temporary Cards (Empty)
3-) Shuffled Table (52 Rows)
-Copy Master Table to Temporary.
-Loop while CountRowShuffled<53 change
Change table value of Shuffle Table from Temporary Cards Table . random(1,countRow(Temporary))
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Here's my randomize in place demo.
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