Need some help on how to start developing a HIGH or LOW game ?
i decided to develop a Classic "high or low" card game.
But i have not yet come up with a plan/start on how i should build this game.
any suggestions that helps me to get my mind started is really really appreciated
//Guy with empty mind at the moment
is it even possible on GS ?
It's absolutely possible and when I have some free time I'll see about throwing something together to show the basics. Assuming I'm thinking about the same thing you are, anyway.
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would be so grateful if you did !!
Can you refresh my memory of what that is?
Here's a quick demo I threw together. I got a little carried away on some of the details which will make it a little trickier to really see what's going on, but hopefully you get the idea.
All the art is free to use but if you do use the card back image you need to put a credit in somewhere to
And don't ask me why you win is red and you lose is green. I guess I'm tired
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Cant thank you enough !!