Voice Acting in games - breaks or makes it?

Hi Hello,

I am someone who has to make something special or unique. My current Ipad game is coming along, still months away, but it was missing that characteristics a player could connect or relate to. Since the game is quite atmospheric, I thought to myself, should I be spending the extra money to get voice acting done. My initial thoughts were that it could only improve the gaming experience. The voice acting follows a story or as guide, similar to what is done with portal 2. They sort of entertain why telling and guiding the player through the game.

Then I tried a few Gamesalad games that claim they do voice acting and I was shocked. Almost all the games were deleted. It just broke the game and lowered the quality.

Is it worth the risk, or play it safe and just put text boxes in or none at all. Anything that has been done well or I should avoid doing?
Or am I the only one who thinks like this and people really just dislike voice acting.


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