Velocity issue is there a way to stabilise this actor?
I have attached a project which shows an actor being moved by Velocity. When it stops it doesn't come to a full stop it still moves giving the impression it is vibrating irregularly. When it is reset with the button it will continue to do this behaviour. If you let the actor hit the other actor it will eventually stop moving on the X axis but start moving on the Y axis and continue to do this when it is reset.
The only way to over come this that I can find is to reset the scene. I don't want to do this with ads running as they won't run long enough to make money.
Does anyone know a way to fix this so the actor will come to rest and not move at all when it is reset?
Set the linear velocities to zero so
Conditions for stop
Change attribute self.motion.linear velocity X to 0
Change attribute self.motion.linear velocity Y to 0
Change attribute self.motion.linear angular velocity to 0
If not enough use constrain until conditions for stop are released.
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@The_Gamesalad_Guru I had tried Change attribute self.motion.linear velocity X and Y to 0 but not constrain. It didn't work so I tried constraining position.X and Y which does. It has to remain constrained until the actor is in use again otherwise it becomes unstable again. I have attached an update with the changes which works.
This is strange behaviour I'll report it as a bug and see what GS has to say about it.
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