I will soon b uploading my game. I just have 2 questions to be asked and i would really appreciate any help
1) I finished my game and is now in testing process. Everything works fine, but when i test the game for GC using ad hoc, the sandbox doesn't show any high score. i finished all my settings in iTunes connect. Does sandbox show score immidiately after score is posted ?
2) How do i custom make my loading scene when i move from 1 scene to another. I uploaded my loading image in GS publisher but that comes like a splash screen and never comes when i move from 1 screen to another. Is there something else i need to do??
thank you
I'm not sure about your first question but it is easy to customize a loading scene image.
1. Have your image created obviously
2. In the scenes you want to begin with your loading image, have your image on the top layer covering everything.
3. Go into that image (actor) and create this rule: After ___ seconds, destroy actor.
That's it!
By the way did you create your game center score boards in your developer account for that app? You have to create those and then load the leaderboard data into your app for it to be able to show.
Hi @dreichelt ,
Thanks for the quick reply.
i got my loading scene sorted. all thanks to u.
and about the Sandbox, score not posting problem, yes i created everything needed for GC to work on the developer account (iTunes connect). I even cross checked my leaderboard ID and am still not able to figure out the problem.