Following manual. Testing move behavior in preview but it's not working.

TercTerc Member Posts: 13

I am trying to teach myself Gamesalad and I'm already terrible at it.

I'm following the manual:

And when I get to this section of the manual:

Create a new rule, using the ‘Create Rule’ button, and then drag a Move Behavior into the bottom section . After a few quick adjustments, it should look like this:

Image 9: Setting up a rule for moving right

Now whenever the right arrow on the keyboard is pressed, the ‘Player Ship’ actor will move to the right of its current position. Rather than manually create 3 more of these for the other directions, select the rule, hold down the alt key, and then drag it into the white space below .

This will create an exact copy of the logic selected (and any other logic contained within it) . Now just edit the condition key and movement direction for this new logic, and you’re good to go . Hit Preview and give it a test!

When I hit preview to give it a test, the actor doesn't move when I press the right arrow. If I've followed the manual correctly it should move, shouldn't it? Is it possible the manual has omitted some crucial piece of the puzzle?


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