How to make bullet go in the direction u face
I really need help in making this thing where its like if ur actor is facing left , ur bullet goes left when u shoot and when its facing right it goes right when u shoot it .
I have no idea how to do it . Plzzzzzz help
Depends on how you are launching your bullet. But basically you need to make sure your original image the gun barrel faces to the right as that is the 0degree direction. Then from there you al ways launch your bullet in the direction of your actors rotation.
Hopfully that helps you out.
hmm , lemme tell u wit my prob is now . Ive managed to make the shooting left n right part but now , when my bullet is shot to the right n when the actor turns to the left , the bullet comes back ! Now goin in the left direction !! LOL RIGHT ?! But idk how solve it
ok nvm found out