Key press: "when up is down" is not working...

Hi everyone... I hope this is something I'm doing wrong and not a bug (since getting a bug fix will take much longer...):

I was trying to change an attribute when the up, down, left or right keys were pressed but it wasn't working. I ended up constraining the attribute to a game attribute and then displaying that on a test actor just to see what was going on. I found that the arrow keys were not changing the attribute at all. To test a little further I went in to my test actor and gave it a simple, "when up is down destroy this actor" command, but still, nothing. I tried change it to "when down is down destroy this actor," but still, nothing. Then I tried using "j" (just a random letter key), but it still wouldn't work. Finally, I tried changing it to "when mouse button is down, destroy this actor." That worked.

Am I using the key press wrong here, or is there some kind of bug? I'm using the Window version if that makes a difference.


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