Question about openstockproject.
I really like the assets presented on this site. My question is if i can use any of this assets in my game with out editing them. Im confused because the license states:
You may not;
Re-distribute un-edited Open Stock files
Sell un-edited Open Stock files
This is something you will need to ask @openstockproject directly.
Re-distribute usually means to give to someone else for their use. So they're saying that you can only share the files with others if you've edited them sufficiently.
Sell means to profit from giving those files to someone else.
But the fact that they allow you to use the files in any commercial project means that you can sell something (e.g. a video game, t-shirt, bumper sticker, etc.) that includes the unedited image as long as you don't just stick the image on a website and sell it as clip art or give it away for free.
You should be fine.
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