Amazon game circle leaderboards not working!
Hey guys I followed the instructions on how to set and integrate GameCircle into my game (instructions by game salad) and i set up a leaderboard with the ID....however after I set up my game with the ID and everything (yes its correct) and publish my game (yes I amazon leaderboards at the bottom and entered my API number) and test it on my android device it doesn't work! Nothing happens at all. It doesn't log me in, open leaderboards, nothing! Its like I never even did anything! I know its possible to use game circle in the playstore games, game salad even said so! So please help me fix this and get leaderboards working!! Thanks!
I haven't had any issues with GameCircle. Did you use the correct keystore to locate the md5? Did you publish the leaderboard? Where do you have your login behavior?
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I was a little confused at that part, about locating the md5. I created a md5, but idk if its right or not. I have the same project set up for Game Center and it works fine so it must be something I done wrong with the md5 or something. Can you help?
I am having this same problem. I have all the ID, md5 stuff done right but, it only works occasionally. Gamesalad REALY needs to fix this!
This is very interesting. I have noticed the API key actually CHANGING Amazon side. I was updating an app, where GC is working, but noticed that the API was totally different to what I have Gamesalad side.
So I changed it. Then went back to Amazon just to check, and it threw up another code. Never seen this before, its nothing to do with GS
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