moving platform with character
One of the levels in my game has a platform that my character gets on and moves to the end of the stage. The platform moves to the end, but i have to constantly move the character or else it falls off the stage. Any way to set a constrain attribute so you can move to the left and right on the platform but also be able to jump onto higher platforms while the platform moves underneath you?
I have never done a platformer. Out if interest I had a go see if the attached project is what you are looking to do. There may be a better way of doing this some else might have a better solution.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
That is exactly what I was looking for!!
Thank you so much @colan
@colander With this project the character is only able to stay on the platform if the platform is moving slowly. (less than 50) Is there any way to do this at a faster speed?
It doesn't make any difference as long as the hero comes into contact/collides with the platform. I set the platform to 300 and moved the hero's starting position down 50 otherwise it misses the platform if that is what you mean.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template