Free GameSalad Games

quarkyquarky Member Posts: 21
edited July 2014 in Community Tutorials

Here is one of them ===> Bounce Gravity ==> [Link Removed]


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    These are not free, they are conditional on signups. Plus, you've been posting this site multiple times from multiple accounts recently...

  • quarkyquarky Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2014

    This is the only acc i have... And i posted with this only

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    That's probably my bad then. I assumed the full-game "buying" @prithiv007 who has also posted the link to your site at least once that I've seen was also you. Unlike the mods I can't see IP addresses to check so I'll take your word for it :P

  • quarkyquarky Member Posts: 21

    yes. i Bought all The Full Rights of All The Templates From Him. Ya. You can Check :p

  • quarkyquarky Member Posts: 21

    @Armelline said:
    That's probably my bad then. I assumed the full-game "buying" prithiv007 who has also posted the link to your site at least once that I've seen was also you. Unlike the mods I can't see IP addresses to check so I'll take your word for it :P

    is Signing up for Amazon soo Tough for you. Please Believe me. Complete anyone . i will send You all the Templates. if Not SUE me :neutral_face:

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited July 2014

    @quarky said:
    yes. i Bought all The Full Rights of All The Templates From Him. Ya. You can Check :p

    Just a FYI he still has them for sale on our 3rd party market, you might want to discuss this with him?


  • quarkyquarky Member Posts: 21

    @DeepBlueApps said:

    Thanks for the info :)

  • wirelesstkdwirelesstkd Member Posts: 75

    I don't understand the problem with requiring a signup to get a free template... I get that it's against GameSalad's insane, counter-productive rules, but I don't understand why.

  • bjandthekatzbjandthekatz Orlando, FlMember Posts: 1,375

    I personally don't mind signing up for a website to download a template, but I draw the line where you are requiring users to click an advertisement and sign up there to download a template.

  • quarkyquarky Member Posts: 21

    @wirelesstkd said:
    I don't understand the problem with requiring a signup to get a free template... I get that it's against GameSalad's insane, counter-productive rules, but I don't understand why.

    is there Any Problem Selling my Templates in my Website with some rules.?

  • quarkyquarky Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2014

    @bjandthekatz said:
    I personally don't mind signing up for a website to download a template, but I draw the line where you are requiring users to click an advertisement and sign up there to download a template.

    inside Red Circles ..!! Theres the advertisement ..!! Click on that Sign-up and Screen-shot the Completion of signup ... Upload the Screen-shot in Submission page

  • bjandthekatzbjandthekatz Orlando, FlMember Posts: 1,375

    @quarky said:

    is there Any Problem Selling my Templates in my Website with some rules.?

    It's your property do distribute/sell as you please. You just asked an opinion so I gave one.

  • quarkyquarky Member Posts: 21

    @bjandthekatz said:
    It's your property do distribute/sell as you please. You just asked an opinion so I gave one.


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    @wirelesstkd said:
    I don't understand the problem with requiring a signup to get a free template... I get that it's against GameSalad's insane, counter-productive rules, but I don't understand why.

    I dislike signing up to a website to download a purportedly free template, but I'll do it if I want something badly enough. But I'm no way signing up to a casino (or Amazon, but I already have an Amazon account) to get a free template that I know almost nothing about. Nothing to do with GameSalad's rules, just common sense.

  • jamie_cjamie_c Member, PRO Posts: 5,772

    In general if I'm forced to sign up for something, I'll leave the site and forget about it. I'd have to be very, very, very interested to go through a sign up process of any kind.

  • quarkyquarky Member Posts: 21

    @Armelline > @jamie_c said:

    In general if I'm forced to sign up for something, I'll leave the site and forget about it. I'd have to be very, very, very interested to go through a sign up process of any kind.

    Sorry Guys, This is not Forcing. if U Sign-up Through my Page, Amazon Pays me...!! You need not Buy for 5-15 per template..!! Sorry..!! :( :D

  • jamie_cjamie_c Member, PRO Posts: 5,772

    @quarky, I wasn't slamming you or your site. I was only letting you know how I typically deal with that sort of thing. As a consumer I'm not a fan of forced sign ups/ad clicks/stuff like that.

    Of course you have every right to do what you like with your own site/business. :)

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934

    @Armelline said:
    That's probably my bad then. I assumed the full-game "buying" prithiv007 who has also posted the link to your site at least once that I've seen was also you. Unlike the mods I can't see IP addresses to check so I'll take your word for it :P

    In fact the logs show the same IP address posting from both accounts at the same time. We have actually been watching these two accounts to decide if it was in fact a duplicate or two people from the same location. Either way at this point the whole thing just stinks of some sort or shady crap.

    I'm closing this thread and I ask that you no longer post about your site here. These downloads are not free. Essentially it appears you are requiring people to sign up under some sort of affiliate program. In essence you are selling your templates to these guys just someone else is paying for them.

    I'll discuss it further with GS and the other mods but for now this is closed.

This discussion has been closed.