How does universal in publish works?
Guys, I need your suggestion. I'm working on an ipad app right now. Since GS doesn't have any zoom in/out function for the stage area, i found that it's hard for me to work with macbook air 11' screen. I can't see the whole scene.
What if I work with iphone resolution since its smaller but all the graphic materials following the resolution for the ipad app. Then when publishing, I choose universal. Will this work? I mean after its published, the graphic won't be blurry and it will also using the higher res graphic when i try it on ipad later?
Nah it won't work, I have that problem with an app that I am working on at the moment, I'm pretty sure that if you put it on universal all the actors and artwork will just show up really small bunched up in the corner for the iPad.
I think it's best to work on the iPad resolution, I know its hard because it is too big for the screen but just use a mouse or something to scroll up and down quickly. and tick resolution independence for the project settings so all the work you done will work on the iPhones resolution aswell.
Yes you can go either way. I made a game in iPhone 4 and another one in iPhone 5 and both work and look fine on tablets. I made all my art twice the size of the actor and left resolution independence unchecked so the images would look good on an non retina devices. These games were released before they changed the way Creator handles images.
A lot of the app stores won't accept letterbox this means you need to think carefully about the publishing method you choose and design your game with it in mind. Stretch can look fine for some games but awful for others. For example if you have a lot of round images you will have to use code so they keep their shape on different resolutions.
In Overscan stuff will disappear of the edges and you will have to either have a smaller playing area or use code to bring them back on screen or to sit in the right place. Setup a dummy project and play around with it and you will soon see the problem which affect your game.
The only issue at the moment is the image quality of GS. Since they changed how creator handles images there has been display problems. Images still look ok in retina but not so good on non retina devices. They are about to release a NB or RC with a new graphic engine so hopefully the image issues will soon be thing of the past.
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Awesome! So, it will work either way huh. Regarding the image quality issue, how come the image looks fine on retina but not so good on non retina? That's weird.
Non retina devices will not look as good because they have a lower resolution, half the retina devices. The whole image display quality of Creator is poorer than it was before the changes to it were made earlier this year. It's not just the non retina devices it just sticks out more on them. It's on the bug page as CS270 I think.
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