Game Art and Physics

Hello once again in my game i have a player that is moving through a neon path from left to right and the issue is i need the player stay within the path (make the path like a wall). I tried to make the player collide with the path but that would not work because the path image itself contains a lot of invisible space so the player just collides with the invisible space instead of the actual path itself. How would i make it so that the player would only collide with the path instead of the entire image. I though of putting invisible actors that would go on the path to make them like walls but that seems way too time consuming is there a more efficient way of doing this? heres a screen shot of the player within the paths during gameplay i tried cropping the image but that simply wont work as well:

and also heres a screenshot of what the path image looks like in gimp so you know what i mean by "invisible space":


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