Question about a attribute inside a rule?

TRowe007TRowe007 Member Posts: 71
edited July 2014 in Working with GS (PC)

I have a dialog between two actors, and the one ask the name of the other. So my issue is that the conversation continues before the keyboard input in added. But when the keyboard input is enter and done is clicked the name still doesn't show up, just a blank space alone the next line in the conversation. I know GS continues running always, my attribute that has a {blank} box waiting for a name to be inputted by the keyboard just get saved as blank before the player can enter his name. Mac has a "is not" dope down ability but PC doesn't, so I have no way to keep it blank until something is added. Is there another way of holding off on GS saving the blank box until something is added?


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited July 2014

    My recommendation, which I shared with you, is:

    If game.text is "" (just leave the expression field blank)
    Change Table Cell
    Value: attribute game.text

    And be sure to reset game.text to a blank string before the player types in text each time.

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  • TRowe007TRowe007 Member Posts: 71

    It wont let me I tried it automatically come up "contains"

  • TRowe007TRowe007 Member Posts: 71

    {Input Actor} with an attribute inside the actor named TempInput

    Display Text ....


    touch is pressed

    If: (self.TempInput) to {blank} Note: Its blank so that players name from the keyboard input goes in place of that.


    Keyboard Input:
    change following attribute: (self.TempInput)


    If: (self.TempInput) ? {Blank} ( *Note: This is where is should have "is not" but PC doesn't have no option for it.


    Change Table Value:

    Table: ConversationTB
    Row: (game.ConversationNumber)
    Column: 1 Value: (self.TempInput)

    Save Table: Input TB

    Change Attribute: (self.TempInput) to {Blank}

    Change Attribute: (game.ConversationNumber) to (game.ConversationNumber)+1

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    I'm hoping someone who uses Creator for PC can chime in since I don't have access to it.

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  • TRowe007TRowe007 Member Posts: 71

    I know it would be nice, you've been a great help I appreciate everything. Maybe when I get my MacBook pro I won't have these problems anymore. lol

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    @jamie_c Any idea?

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