Generating button isn't working
Anyone getting this problem as the "Generating" button to compile your build isn't working on the Gamesalad website? It's been stuck for the past 2 hours...
Anyone getting this problem as the "Generating" button to compile your build isn't working on the Gamesalad website? It's been stuck for the past 2 hours...
yes! I'm running into this issue also. Did you find a solution or does it still exist for you also?
As usual
Hi, this little glitch has been around for a while - basically to say, the page doesn't refresh when finished Generate - it probably finished for you over an hour and a half ago...
The workaround is to guestimate the time it'll take to Generate - ten to twenty minutes for most average sized apps perhaps, then click anywhere in the browser address bar, then press return.
This will update the page and you will find the next step waiting to sign the app. Hope that helps
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope is indeed right. On occasion the auto update notification code doesn't work as intended and you will need to refresh your page.
@phamtastic we did some extensive upgrades to the publishing servers last night to alleviate problems with load we had been seeing. There were a few problems during the transition though. If your game is indeed "stuck", try publishing again by right clicking on the "Generate" button and opening it in a new tab. This will submit the app for another Generate cycle. If you're not sure what to do, submit a support ticket to us and include the publishing portfolio link ( and we'll get things going again for you.
We also just found another problem from last night's upgrade which should now be fixed. So if you tried to generate an iOS app between the last message and now, try again.
Still not working for me.
Just now, still not working for me, too.
I tried right clicking on the "Generate" button.
Only the following message is displayed in the new tab.
the above workaround worked. But now I get Could not Find bundle Name in plist
actually a reboot fixed the above
still grayed out generate icon
problem persists
My Apps
Having a grayed out
Generating button for 8 hours on 3 games now
My Apps
Generating button still not working
Sorry about that. Hiccup in a server transition. Should be good now.
If it's greyed out, try right clicking and opening the publish in another tab. That will get things going again.