accidentally clicking actors beneath top most graphic overlay actor

revoltandreverbrevoltandreverb Member Posts: 159
edited July 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)

Hi Guys. I have a intro graphic that overlays the game, and when it is clicked it is destroyed. The problem is when I click it I sometimes accidentally click actors beneath it.

My first idea was to create a boolean called "is_intro_active" and set it to true as soon as the intro graphic actor is spawned. And when the intro graphic is destroyed I set "is_intro_active" to false.

I then add an attribute to the actors beneath the intro graphic to say that "is_intro_active" should be false before you can be clicked etc. but I just can't get it to work.

I spawn the intro graphic with my background actor and then this is what I have for the intro graphic actor



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