State of GameSalad on 7-10-2014...

CodeWizardCodeWizard Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 1,143

It's been a while since my last "state of" post. Coding, managing, designing, coding. Precious little time left for posting updates! I'll be leaning on @ForumNinja‌ a bit to help prepare these posts and updates more regularly during these crunch months. :)

Now, on to the update!

We've been heads down working on quite a few things that you'll be interested in. Some are getting pretty close to release and others are still in the oven for some time. Here's the lowdown:

  1. Finally getting a new nightly build out. We've been wrangling our new rendering code for a bit and whipping it into shape. It's a fairly major rework so it's to be expected that things are taking some time to prepare. This work has been holding up the nightly builds. We were hoping to push one live today with all the latest goods: new renderer, async multiplayer reenabled, bug fixes, and more! But some nasty bugs are holding us back. Expect a new release any day now on that front.

  2. Release 0.11.1! We're on the cusp of releasing a maintenance build for 0.11 that has several bugfixes in it -- most notably related to some lag on chartboost & revmob ads. There are some other odds and ends in there too. This could also be live any day now. It's getting close!

  3. Release 0.11.2! We're getting in front of some of the IAP changes introduced by Apple at WWDC. We've shifted one of our guys from updating Windows Creator to ensuring compatibility with iOS 8. If we play our cards right we should be sitting pretty for you when iOS 8 is live.

  4. Public facing bug database! This is nearly complete and should be in your hands very soon. We've got it live to a select group and are putting it through its paces. This public facing bug database allows you to report bugs in a place that everyone can see and vote on.

  5. New marketplace! We've got some exciting changes coming to our marketplace and how we approach pricing. We expect an alpha of this new improved marketplace to be ready in about two weeks. We'll then start opening it up to some select content creators, run it through its paces, and push it live. Good stuff!

  6. Release 0.12.0! Work on this is somewhat delayed as we redirect toward prepping for iOS 8. But we should get back on it shortly. With 0.11.1, 0.11.2, and nightly builds coming again we've got a lot to chew on already.

  7. Cross platform creator! Lots of time and energy are being spent on this new and improved version of Creator. We're still being tight lipped about it for now, but we're making some ridiculous progress putting this together. We'll share more when the time is right... :)

That's the high level for now. I'll task @ForumNinja‌ with prepping more info for the next week and see how that fares. Until then!


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