Rotation stops by itself
Tried to search for the forums but had no luck with this.
I have a starfield background which I'm trying to rotate very slowly (angular speed <2) but it starts to rotate and then just stops after a second.
I have set all the parameters to 0 in the Physics tab, but allowed Movable. I have tried both Rotate behavior with a fixed speed and the Angular Velocity, neither works!
If I set it to something higher, say, 3 or up, it keeps rotating. It seems like some sort of drag is applied, but I've disabled them all!
Any help?
Could you post your rules, please?
I literally just have Rotate behavior, set to clockwise with a speed of 1. That's all.

I just tried this, I get the same issue, anything under 3 stops after a short while, it must be a bug.
I've submitted a bug report.
Good . .
In the meantime you can use this for your slow rotation:
constrain self.rotation to self.Time *2
The '2' number at the end is directly equivalent to the value used in the rotation behaviour (degrees per second), so if you were using 2 in your rotation behaviour you will want to use 2 here as well.
This runs counterclockwise by default (as self.time is an ever-increasing value), if you want it to run clockwise then throw in a 'minus' somewhere, like this:
constrain self.rotation to -self.Time *2
Or even this:
constrain self.rotation to self.Time *-2
Thanks Socks, that works.
Glad it works for you ! Hopefully the rotation bug will get ironed out at some point.