Game Promotion?
Hey guys-
What methods of promotion have you used and found successful? I've been sending out promo codes, etc to various app sites but it's very hit or miss. I'm trying to get the word out more for Milo & me...have any good suggestions?
Its probably the best and most cost effective way. Last year, I used facebook advertising to promote my first app. Managed to get lots of Likes but in terms of actual downloads and engagement, it was a poor return.
Why? Only until after, I discovered that Facebook uses 'click farms' where some poor souls click to Like 100s of pages to earn little money while facebook grab your cash.
So - probably the best way now is to contact popular bloggers, youtubers and those on social media with a press pack (images, PR about your app etc) which as you said, is hit and miss but probably one of the best ways.
On twitter, always use hashtags such as #indie #gamedev #indiedev to pick up interest around the Indie circuit to get retweets and grow.
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