Bubble Ghost effect
Hi guys,
I hope you’re all well.
I didn’t want to ask this on the forum as I would have really like to have worked it our myself, however, after many hours of scratching my head I’ve had to bow to the greater good and see if any of you Gamesalad geniuses can help.
Basically, I’m trying to create the same effect as ‘Bubble Ghost’ – you play a character who, when gets close to an object and you click a blow trigger (which would be controllable by on screen controls) the object moves in the direction of the character.
Hmm, hopefully this video link will help explain:
I’m going to carry on trying, annoying I’m pulling blanks at the moment – ugh – however, if anyone knows how I can do this – you really would make my day ☺
Thanks everyone, and I appreciate your help (as always).
Have you tried to move the bubble via…Accelerate Direction...vectorToAngle( game.Hero.X - self.Position.X , game.Hero.Y - self.Position.Y )+180 in the bubble actor?
You can add a max speed so it doesn't go too fast and drag to the bubble actor to slow it down quickly.
You will need to make 2 real or integer attributes (game) and constrain them to the hero's X & Y position.
You can also use Magnitude to check if the bubble is close enough to the hero if thats required.
Below is a new project I'm working on which has all this and more coming soon on DBA.
Hope this helps.
Hi Darren,
Aaaaaaaaaah, great idea - I will give this a go.
Cheers mate,
Wind machine looking great !