Game Circle
LebanonMember, PRO Posts: 57
I have no clue on how to add a leaderboard for android users in my game, though I want to so much..
Is there a tutorial on how to add a leader-board for android users ( game circle )
Please and thank you ,
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As I said via pm, the cookbook has info on it.
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Also read the info on amazon's website.
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I beleive there isnt a tutorial availible @omarandmike as by chance I have too been looking for one. The closest I found was @The_Gamesalad_Guru saying he was making one back in decemember, but ive checked his youtube channel and its not apparent. I have to set up game circle myself so ill work it out and if I have time, ill make a tutorial for you. My plan is to get google play working off game circle.
I'll see if I can make one when I have a free day. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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Have you managed to get google play to work on game cirlce leaderboards @bjandthekatz
Yes I have.
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One thing worth mentioning if you haven't set up your iOS leaderboards already or it is not too much trouble to change them use underscores not periods in their names.
Amazon wont let you use periods, because I had already published in iOS I had to set up a table to for the different leaderboard formats. A real pain so avoid that if you still can.
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@colander I've already discovered that. I was disappointed amazon did that!.I have built my games in such a way that I use an integer called platform and I have rules throughout that says if game.platform = 1/2/3 do behaviour. It saves me tweaking the games at the end for each platform. I just change an integer each time I publish.
I have the leaderboards all set up. It was relatively easy and straight forward. The MD5 code was the confusing part. But when understood it quite simple too.
I just need to test the leaderboard on my google app now.
@gingagaming Yes I had to use the same integer system and a table for the different name formats. I put all the iOS leaderbaord names with periods in column 1 and all the Amazon ones with underscores in column 2 and used 1 for Apple and 2 for Amazon when I published.
In my next game I used underscores for both platforms and avoided all that extra work.
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