can't open scene on preview

When I preview my game, the first two scenes (the menu and the instructions) I can open just fine by clicking on them on the "scenes" menu below the preview screen. However when I click on the third scene which has my actual game, it doesn't open. The platform does not even freeze, it just stays in the scene I was and does not open the scene where my game is. I used to have a lot of attribute code in my game which was making my game slow when I preview it, so now I have deleted all that code to replace it with tables which I've been told are more efficient, but now I cannot even open the scene and I used to be able to. What can I do to fix this? I cannot work on my game if I can't preview it.


  • allc1865allc1865 Member, PRO Posts: 777

    Have you tried closing the program and opening it again?

  • bernardo_chuecosbernardo_chuecos Member Posts: 24

    @allc1865 said:
    Have you tried closing the program and opening it again?

    yes, I even restarted the computer and didnt help

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