Does anyone have or know where to get the Space GUI HUD package at?
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3DMA Posts: 162
This is a pretty simple UI, i can make this one for you in like 15-30 minutes ;-)
(Free of charge for the forum)
3DMA Posts: 162
Ok, there you go
This is what i prepared you, sorry for delay, had a visitor lol.
Every single element can be moved to a new file or changed as you want. The colour comes from Layer Style... just double-click the layer style you wish to edit and change colour, or shine or whatever you like. The font i used is also in this zip file... it´s a free one, so you can use everything for your project. Everything except the Background image please.
This is pretty much all you need to create decent Sci-Fi HUDs
I hope this helps.
Have fun with it ;-)
Have a look here
Thanks thats a pretty sweet package, I may get that. But i really would like the package in the links if their still available because I need the text buttons. Im making a space shooter and they would look perfect for it.
ok i would be truly thankful if you would do that. That would help me big time.
what would someone use to make stuff like that?
Pretty much depends on various factors. I personally prefer a combination of Photoshop and illustrator, sometimes also 3D Renderings and post efects.... depends. Right now im still in the Office... As soon as i'm back home i'm gonna draw something down and post it here.
ok man your awesome, i just got this mac, I'm not familiar with non of those programs. Are they something I should invest in learning. Do they come with manuals to make stuff like I'm trying use?
There are Tutorials for EVERYTHING out there :-) Google for example "Photoshop, First steps" or Photoshop for beginer.... the same with every other program. Congrats to that mac... i prefer working with them for the most stuff i do....
yeah its still taking a little bit to get use to but I think over all its a lot better then PC (windows). Ok I'm looking into photoshop now and when I'm done the others, thanks. Can't wait to see what you come up with, set the spark to my game making carrier. ;-)
So, now i´m at home. Tell me what elements you will need. All of them or just the buttons? do they have to be EXACTLY as in the image or can they be slightly different?
How about this?
I can give you the PSD and the Font for free so you can build your own.
I need all, if its not o much? Truthfully i love the color and i would like some screen HUD boxes for health and XP bar, rank and energy ect.. but I trust you and you may come up with something way better I have no doubt. Its a space game oh and i do like to fact that they aren't solid boxes.
oh ok, then forget my post from before
Which style do you prefer?
I prepared a PSD file which has all elements in it so you can play around with it and "drag & drop" your own GUI. As i pre set up the Layer Styles for you, i want to know which one you prefer :-)
Forgot to add the Pictures lol

wow that looks great, yeah thats what I'm looking for as far as color and everything now will i be able to arrange them the way they mite need to be for my game or are they stationary?
That´s the whole idea... i prepare a bunch of elements you can use, put them together with the font in a zip and you can do as you want :-)
Every single element, box or part is separate so you can move them, scale them or rotate them just as you need...
Oh ok great, by the way what is about the time frame it takes to learn how to do this kind of stuff, i'm sure practice makes perfect. It just always seems to me that when i try to do something like this my mind always draws a blank on what to make, it drives me nuts. Some people just have natural ability for it i guess, or schooling helps but I'm to broke for all that. So i'm stuck trying to figure it out on my own, but you've been very kind taking the time helping out, i really appreciate what your doing for me.
Ok no problem thanks again, i'll send a pic when get something together.
umm.. for some reason the file are no longer under the image you just sent me!
It´s basically all learning by doing... i reached myself by practicing, tutorials and more practicing... have a look what designers are doing, get ideas, inspirations are literally EVERYWHERE... i even found inspiration for a game once by walking trough the park lol... i don´t know how to explain this... just keep going... no need for money or whatever... as long as you WANT and have some dedication, you WILL get it... good luck
could you resend those files again please
Strange that the file disappeared.... some ghosts around here lol.... anyway.. there you go
lol thanks