Connecting GS to external microcontroller and sensors?
Hi all,
I understand from older posts that there is no GS support for vibration as not all devices can do it, but do you think there is any other way to create a kind of rumble-pack for GS? For example, some vibrating sensors connected to a microcontroller - is it possible to link this to the game or even once it's exported to html5? I don't like my chances... but I'm trying to think of a way to have an object vibrate when certain things happen within a game (object does not need to be the device itself that is being played on). I've had success getting simple actor movements to work with a MakeyMakey - do you think this could be an option? (I know very little about physical computing sadly).
@Unicorny gamesalad now supports vibration.
Yes you can but you have to use Xcode instead to program this...
Use corebluetooth feature function on Xcode to build a communication with an external bluetoothed micro-controller.
And what would this type of application be used for?
@erockross Awesome! I can see the Buzz action now - not sure how I missed that before. Do you happen to know if there is a tutorial out there on this? I'm not having much luck with youtube.
Not sure, sorry haven't tried it