Actor bounces off the top of the screen

RSoftwareUKRSoftwareUK Member, PRO Posts: 44

I am working on a table type game (looking down) therefor I don't need gravity. The user throws the actor. When the actor is thrown it will, most times, bounce about a pixel off the top of the screen very quickly a load of times then move down.

Any ideas what could be causing this, or how I can fix it...


  • ookami007ookami007 Member Posts: 581

    That usually happens when one actor with a "collide" (bounce when collide with actor of type.....) hits another actor with a "collide". The actors don't have to be visible... just there and have the collide event.

    It will then react based on the physics properties like bounciness, friction, etc. If you need the collide but don't want the bounce, set bounciness on both actors to 0.

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