Post Score - Adhoc
Hey, I think I have trawled through every post on this forum regarding posting scores to game center, but I just cannot get this to work.
Are others still having the same issue? I'm ready to submit to the app store once I get this solved, so quite frustrated!
I have placed an actor on the scene, with a rule:
if (score > top_score)
then post score
I have checked the leadeboard id, typed it in (not pasted) and it's ok. I can authenticate and view the leaderboard without any issues.
I have created new game center accounts on my device, logged in and out of them, posted scores using each of them. no difference.
Help appreciated!!!!
I am currently having the same issue. I am able to view the Leaderboard, but nothing happens when I try to post the score.
I have followed the tutorials exactly, but cannot seem to resolve this.
Any help appreciated, thank you!!
I have the same issue. Any luck yet?
The problem with putting if score>top score is that if the user does not log in to Game Center and scores 30 points, then decides to log in, the score won't post until he reaches past 30 points since the top score attribute will be set to 30.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
well...thanks for the response, but I guess I really don't have exactly the same issue as drs997. I don't have any logic to compare the new score with the old top score. I'm only trying to post a score to the leaderboard. I am able to view the Leaderboard, but nothing happens when I try to post the score.
@drs997 , @kidvanmeter
try to create top level text attribute that stores the name of leaderboard
game.Leaderboard = GameLeaderboardName
then use it in PostScore behavior
PostScore (game.Leaderboard)
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Leaderboard sand boxing can be slow. Things don't post immediately. Sometimes it can take hours for the data to show up.
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Am having the same issue. I can view the leaderboard but the scores are not getting posted. Has any1 found a solution to this?
hey @drs997 @kidvanmeter did you find any solution to the problem?
No I haven't found a solution yet. I posted a score last night and it’s still not showing up.
All I see when I view the leaderboard is a window with these options/messages:
- Tap to rate this game
- Like (Facebook Liking Unavailable)
- No Challenges...
I would expect to see options to view 3 lists: Leaderboards, Achievements, and Challenges. All I see is the message that there are no Challenges.
Does anyone know why I can’t see my Leaderboard even though I seem to be successfully logged in to GameCenter?
On a positive note, I looked in the GameCenter App and I actually do see my game and Leaderboard now. ...and my score is posted!
I still can't see the leaderboard from my game though. Any ideas why show leaderboard doesn't work?
I think the key to my progress was upgrading to iOS8 which provides a toggle switch in the Settings App for Sandbox. Before, I always wound up voiding my apple sandbox ID because I could never figure out the right process. Here are the keys to the process as I understand it (assuming you set up the sandbox user id and leaderboard in iTunes):
1. log out of GameCenter in Settings
2. Verify the Sandbox toggle switch in Settings is turned on
3. load your game onto your iPad
4. log in to GameCenter FROM YOUR GAME
Another thread suggested I ensure I did not use the expression editor to enter my Leaderboard ID into the Show Leaderboard call (i.e. you don't want to click on the e button by the field). I went ahead and deleted my "Show Leaderboard" and when I added it back in I made sure I did not enter the Leaderboard ID in the expression editor. I still do not see the leaderboard.
I also looked in the Game Center app again and I DID find my scores posted on the leaderboard. So the post score button is working fine. I just can't view the leaderboard from inside my app. Any help or suggestions would be very appreciated.