How to create an Adhoc (testflight) *HELP*
Hello I need help on this very badly. Okay so basically I've been trying to test my app on my iPod and I've had no luck. I bought the Mac in cloud thing that someone on the forum suggested me (so I'm limited on the time I have since I'm a windows user), also I bought the $99 thing for iOS so I'm all set. The problem comes when I try to upload my "ipa" it uploads but I get a message saying
"The build is signed with a Developer certificate, it can only be installed by devices with the Developer feature enabled. We recommend signing with a distribution provisioning profile for best result. Learn More."
The options given are "Re-upload" and "Ignore and Continue"
Im super new to mac and I don't know how to use Xcode for my life. So could someone help me on this?
(Also I can't view the build on my iPod. I'm a developer I don't know if I have to be a tester to view my builds. I only have one iDevice in my family so I can't connect anything else besides my iPod 4 Gen.)
Thanks So much if anyone cam help me with this problem what so ever
Once you've set up your dev profile with Apple go to -> Member Center -> Certificates, identifiers and profiles and there to provisioning profiles. Create a wildcard provisioning profile (com.yourdomain.*) and save this, and download it. Then you will need to install this profile on your Mac (not sure how this works with Mac in cloud).
In the member center go to devices and register your iPod.
From now on you can use your iPod for development.
After done so go to -> Manage your Apps -> Add new App
Fill out the form.
App name and SKU number is up to you what you put in there... app name has to be unique and must not already exist.
Then select as bundle identifier the one you just created in dev member center (com.yourdomain.*)
A new field appears where you will have to give the unique part of the identifier to replace the * ...
The result, com.yourdomain.appname , is you bundle identifier you will need to create the app in gamesalad and you use later to sign your app.
Fill out the rest of the form and hit "done"
The app status should be some like "prepare for upload"
So far we are done here.
Once published from gamesalad to the gamesalad page, choose iPhone, iPad or universal, fill out the form. Note that bundle identifier, name and version have to be exact the same as you set in itunesconnect.
Create app.
Once it's created, click sign app. Gamesalad opens, downloads the app and asks you to choose provisioning profile... Select yours (com.yourdomain.appname) confirm and save e.g. On your desktop.
There you should have now a file
Right click on the desktop and create a folder called "Payload" (case sensitive!!!) move your app file in this Payload folder. Right click on the Payload folder and compress it to a zip file.
Once done rename the zip file to "appname.ipa" and confirm all popups that warn you about changing filnename extension.
Once this is done, start itunes, connect your iPod, go to apps, and on your desktop double click your IPA file....
If you have done everything correct to here, your app should install just fine on your device.
I hope this helps.
P.S.: yourdomain and appname need to be replaced with your own details. Just so there is no misunderstanding :-)
@3DMA so Ill be putting my test app on the app market?
no. this on is just for testing, as you mentioned in your post.
If you want to publish on the App Store, it´s a very similar approach...
But i can tell you that when you need it.
Okay I asked because when I get to that "". It's basically preparing me to get my app on the app market. It's asking me for "pricing", "age", and all that goo stuff. So I just want to make sure I'm not going to post it because I still have one problem left in my app.
(btw I have the "ipa" it's just not showing up on my iPod. I'm a developer and I tried to add my self as a tester and when I do it keeps saying "0" on where the tester.) @3DMA
When you prepare your app on itunesconnect it is normal that hey ask all those details... fill them all in... after this whole progress your status will be "prepare for upload"... leave it like that and you are good to go.
Did you register your device in the Member Center of Apple developer?
Yes I believe I have registed it because when I check my "UDID" is in there. So wait when I fill all that out should I get another "application" I should turn into an "IPA" . Then ill I should resubmit it to "Test Flight App" and it should appear on my iPod? @3DMA
I should *
i'm sorry, my "manual" is not ment for use Test Flight App Service or whatever... it's just for getting the actual App on your test devices. I hope i didn't misunderstand your question in the first place
@3DMA yea. its for test flight . Thanks anyway bro
@3DMA One more thing I think my problem is my bundle Id. I did something like com.victornwadikeapps.gamesalad do you think this would be a problem?
well the bundle id should be unique for every single app... as you can use it only for ONE SINGLE APP... so i would put the actual appname at the last part.
@3dma Okay thanks