How to create random movement of lines within a box?
We want to have four lines rotating and moving randomly within a box. Right now our lines are moving randomly with the random function in the move behavior, and as they move the lines continually rotate via the rotate behavior. The problem is, the lines move out of the screen very quickly. If possible, we want the ends of the line to stick to the side of the screen/box and have the length of the line shift according to the random movement and rotation along the screen/box. How would we do this?
Upload a test project and someone will be able to help you out. Make sure you compress it before uploading or it wont upload.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
sorry, how do you upload a file on this forum?
Compress your gameproj file and above the comment box in the middle is the "Attach image/file" drop down. Select or drag your file to it.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
i still can’t figure it out. it only gives me the option to put the url of an image.
anyhow, here’s the file:
Damn ! That's a horrible file hosting system, far too scary for me, lol ! : ) You don't download the actual file, you download a 'downloader', which is an application you need to place on your machine that when you attempt to run brings up all the usual 'watch-out!!' warnings from OSX, if you continue you then get a window (still no GS file) where you have to click through various 'next' buttons as the software tells you it's all going to be ok, nothing to worry about, so you continue, you then hit a page that tells you before you can continue to the GS file, you must install 'MacDeals', a browser plugin . . . . hmmmm . . . . best part is that once this process has started, even before you agree to install this second piece of software, you cannot get out of it !! No quit button, no quit option in the menu, even using force quit doesn't bring up 'Downloader', it's invisible to OSX !!!! . . . at this stage I had to restart my machine to get rid of it . . . all that, coupled with the soft porn ad on the start page all screamed . . . VIRUSES INCOMING !!!
Avoid !
Try MediaFire.
You should have a box which says "Drop image/file" and below that is a button where you can choose the file on your computer. When you do this a blue progress meter will appear across the top of the comment box when the upload is complete it will disappear.
Are you compressing/zipping your file?
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
when i click the "attach image/file" button, it only gives me the option of putting in the url of an image. and i'm really sorry about the virus.
regardless, i tried using mediafire:
See if this helps. I have added some code and a timer to Line 1.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template