Why mi actor hero when is walking sometimes stop
I have choose the move rules of "Platformer Template" the example that comes with gamesalad. Instead of accelerate i choose move, but i don´t know why the actor hero wants to stop , sometimes he walks and sometimes stop and the rules are ok, i thought that the problem could be the order of the rules in the actor hero but i´m not sure, I would appreciate any help
It might be being effected by physics. Try reducing or eliminating the Friction and Drag amounts on your player actor and the platform on which it is walking.
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Hello jamie_c , i thinks this is not the problem the platform which it is walking does not have friction or drag, the values are 0.
Could you post your game file?
When you tell the actor to "Move" or stop, try using a constrain attribute for its velocity. This will force it to stay at the same speed no matter what it encounters. (Angled ramps, platforms, etc.)
Very good idea SlickZero, i´ll try it.
Honestly this is something I have been trying to figure out for a while. I'm aware of what you are talking about. For me it has always been a corner of one of the floor graphics is somehow snagging my hero. I have encountered it with any method of movement.
Currently I am using Change Attribute: MotionLinearVeloX. All my floor actors are unmovable and are at exactly Y=22. Much of the time i walk over it fine, but occasionally it hits a snag. I'm still not sure why. I'm seeing it in my current project right now too. I had encountered it on a previous project a long while back and my only workaround was to make the actor a Circle Collision. I would really rather not do that on this one so I'm curious if you get any fixes.
@agueis Or you could of course do the fix I'm doing now. Just make a separate invisible floor actor that spans your whole floor. You would need to make your current floor non collide-able with your hero though. This way there is no snags. It just sucks to use multiple actors when you shouldn't have to.
Thanks Falacy studios , i will try it later, i though perhaps if the actor hero collides only whith the top of the plaform , maybe the problem will be solved
Hello, i can see now, that only happens this small jag after a jump, i saw it because i put my actor hero on a position y =500 at the start of the scene,and when he collides with the ground( the actor hero falls down to the ground) sometimes he moves and sometimes not any idea?
I solved the problem: instead of collide with the platform the actor hero collides now only with the top of the platform.