Universal made easier?

CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828

Wouldnt it be a lot easier if X-0, Y-0. Was the Center of the creator screen. That way. The red x represent the center of any device you are making a app for.


  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934

    I don't think that would be better. Sorry.

    I like how it is. If you want easy and universal then use stretch. That's what I do. It's great.

  • 3DMA3DMA Member, PRO Posts: 162

    But it is never as intented by the designer... that's one of the few downs i see in gamesalad.... you can't make TRUE universal builds... it's always some kind of compromise...
    i hope this changes in one of the upcoming builds.

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408

    i find if you plan for universal from the get go, you can get a true universal app. trying to retrofit an old game is a pain in the butt tho.

  • 3DMA3DMA Member, PRO Posts: 162
    edited July 2014

    TRUE universal that actually REALLY adapts to the screen size without stretching or deforming? Is this possible? Can i use percentages or something like Position X = game.deviceWith /2 ?
    That would be great for the beginning

  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    edited July 2014

    If I want a Actor in a scene to show up in the center of the scence on every device. Then X-0 , Y-0. Would accomplish this if the Center of the GS Creator was X-0,Y-0.

    But with the "MANY" different ways to do a universal. You have to change this and that. to accomplish the same thing on all devices.

    I think most of you are saying " no " becuase you finally come up with your own way of doing it. I think this idea. Would make it easier on everyone. The center of the GS creator being X-0,Y-0. This makes it much easier understand and visualize and adapt. To any device.

  • 3DMA3DMA Member, PRO Posts: 162

    I 100% agree with you. It is a real pain in the **** to adapt for 2 different screen sizes in ONE app.... i can handle the compromise to have a seperade app for iPhone and iPad.... sometimes makes even more sense... but what about iPhone 4 and 5? it never looks really good, no matter how you move it... Xcode has this options, so why does gamesalad NOT have them? an option like 'IF 3.5" place actor here and IF 4" place it there' or some like that

  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828

    This method allows you to work from center outward, when planning. Adjust outward. So much of GS is planned on the X,Y coordinate. this way you wouldnt have to worry as much on changing camera x camera y for this device, then change for another then another.

  • BBEnkBBEnk Member Posts: 1,764

    having 0,0 in the center would make more work, because right now if you adjust camera size you have to move items on the right and top if it was centered then you have to move all 4 sides.

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    edited July 2014

    a true universal app is easy with 3 simple rules:

    if screen width is 584 
    iphone5 = true
    if screen width is 1024
    ipad = true
    if screen width is 480
    iphone = true

    after that it is very easy to adjust placement on the screen based on what device is being used.

    you can also use some camera tricks to create custom letterboxes:

    there is no magic universal button, no matter what SDK you use, it will always have to be planned for from the very beginning of your app design, but if you do that, it's very easy.

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    @FINNBOGG‌ -- sometimes I think it would be easier to have 0,0 in the center of the screen. And then I remember other systems where that was the case, and how it really did not help me all that much (and in many instances just confused me with all the negative numbers I had to keep reminding myself).

    For me, I've come to learn that the important thing is to have a consistent 0,0 point (lower left or center).


    I just spent the last few minutes retrofitting the old GameSalad breakerball template to make it 'universal'. You can change it to any size and either orientation (landscape or portrait) and it will still fit everything on the screen as it should. (And play as it should.) This particular version is oriented for the starting point to be in the lower left corner (GameSalad's origin). But it could also be redone so that the origin is in the center by using {game.Screen.Size.Width/2) and (game.Screen.Size.Height/2).

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