Bouncing ball on actor (question)
I created a game where I can move a character left and right in the screen. I have a ball fall on my character, and the player's job is to move the character left and right letting the ball fall on the character to bounce it. My problem is, that when the ball fall on my character, it stays on top bouncing very little, and when I move my character, it goes flying around with the ball. How can I fix this?
Post a sceen-shot of your rules !
Rules for Player character
The "outside screen" actor is just an invisible actor put underneath the player character to keep it from falling. (Has no rules)
Rules for ball
Try using a Constrain Attribute behaviour and constrain his self.Position.Y to whatever you require. That will stop him from moving up and down. I the physic's settings increase density to 500 and set bounciness to 0. In the ball actor's physic's settings change density to 1 and play with the bounciness settings to get it to react how you want.
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