Trying to reset a table
Hello Everyone,
I am fairly new to GS, so still trying to learn a lot. I hope some of you could guide me and show me the correct path as I am stuck at some point.
I am trying to make a word game. My problem is that when I try to reset the scene, the already filled alphabets could be erased with no problem (I am using copy table to achieve that), but I cannot write re-enter alphabets to the answer slots. It is not letting me do that.
What I am doing:
A Reset Button, which has:
-On touch
-if game.reset is true (reset is a boolean attribute created by me)
- trigger "Reset scene" behaviour
On another actor (for answer slots), I have placed a Rule:
- if game.reset is true
- Copy Table "Table_1_blank" to "Table1"
On the actor (where alphabets are pre-populated for selection):
- On touch
- ChangeTableValue for Table: "Table1", row:"1", Column: "Game.count" and Value: "self.image" (Where count is an integer game attribute)
- ChangeAttribute "game.count" to "game.count+1"
Table1 created by me has one row and 5 columns
I am able to place alphabets in the answer section in the first attempt, but after reseting the scene (successfully removing the selected alphabets from the answer section) I cannot re-enter the alphabets into the answer section.
I was trying to attach few screenshots along with my post to make my question much more clear, but I don't know how to do that (As under attach image it is only taking url's).
Thanks in advance everyone :-)
Hi @newbie001 and welcome to GSC and the Forums.
I think the answer is straightforward: when you reset any aspect of a game back to its original settings, you have to include all elements relevant to it ... so in this case, add the following to your Rule:
When game.reset is true
Copy Table "Table_1_blank" to "Table1"
Change Attribute game.count to 1
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Amazing :-) It solved my issue. Thank you very much @gyroscope. I really appreciate your help.
Have a great day :-)