Bug with my game! Help!
Hey guys. I put iAP in my game. Its my first time doing so, but I set up everything correctly. I sent my game into apple and they denied the app because they said when they clicked the iAP button, the game froze up. Obviously its nothing I can do with my rules or anything so What can I do to fix this bug?? They said it was on the iPhone 5 btw.
Are you sure you've set up iAP correctly? Did you test it on a device using an itunesconnect Test account to make test purchases?
By testing on a device i don't mean with GS Viewer, i mean a propper testbuild installed on an iOS device.
Yes, I only have a iPad but I installed the app that I sent to apple and tried iAP and it worked fine. I was thinking maybe they only tried it once, and it just happened to crash that time, like all apps do sometimes.